Is it Java or JavaScript: Why Java isn’t short for JavaScript

Ruth Kebede
2 min readFeb 17, 2021

Before learning anything about coding I always thought Java was short for JavaScript(JS). I was definitely wrong! Java and JavaScript may seem similar in name but are fundamentally different languages.

Java vs JavaScript

The first thing I learned about JS is that it allows you to add functionality and behavior to websites. It’s a scripting language that is considered one of the 3 core languages used to build websites, HTML and CSS being the other 2. Being a scripting language, one of the perks is you can write scripts to automate simple tasks.

When I decided to learn Java the first thing that was mentioned was that it was a compiled language. Java can be used to build websites and do the same things you would with JS. However, Java is not really meant to write scripts, and being that it’s a compiled language means that the code must be compiled before being executed, whereas JavaScript executes at run time.

**I will say Java and JavaScript have similar basic syntax, so it has made it a little easier to learn Java!

Why is it called JavaScript?

It turns out it was originally called Mocha, then LiveScript, and later renamed to JavaScript. Some say the name change was a marketing tactic because Java was so popular at the time, others say it comes from Netscape’s support of Java applets within its browser. Not really sure who to believe…

So what use?

If you know both Java and JavaScript then you probably have an idea of what you’re going to use for your next project and know why. If you know JavaScript, is it worth learning Java for your next project?

Well that depends. Does your project involve creating an Android App, Enterprise Software, Big Data, or server-side technology or is that the language all of the companies you want to work at use? Then yes, I would say it’s worth it.

Now if you’re wanting a single page application, not wanting to learn a new language, or wanting to write a script I don’t think it’s the best use of your time learning Java. Instead adding on to your JavaScript knowledge by learning frontend and server-side technologies will probably be way more useful in building a robust and full-stack project!



Ruth Kebede

Forensic Psychology major turned Social Worker turned Business Owner turned Stay at Home Parent turned Software Engineer